Snippets and gleanings: a sicknote
Gasping for air A fortnight spent fighting off a nasty bout of 'flu (possibly Covid but who tests for that anymore?) has given me plenty of time to muse on the parlous state of our planet. Most of the threats are anthropocene-linked, of course, so it was almost a relief to come across one not caused by humans and over which we have absolutely no control - the total depletion of oxygen on Earth. A study published in the journal, Nature Geoscience, reveals this existential threat. Researchers, led by environmental scientist Kazumi Ozaki, projected the evolution of the gases in our atmosphere and concluded that oxygen will eventually run out. No need for mass panic, though, this is unlikely to happen for another billion years. Well, that's one less thing to worry about, I guess. Frankly, I'd settle for scientists finding a cure for the common cold. Offset upset Just as COP(out)28 is about to kick off in the UAE petrostate comes news of a new company, Blue Carbon, qui...