Snippets and gleanings - weekend round-up
I'm with Mick The sainted Mick Lynch, leader of the RMT rail union, has called on voters to "grow up" when it comes to the general election. If they want to get rid of the current Conservative government he suggests (and who doesn't these days, even the Tories?) then the only option is to vote Labour, albeit unenthusiastically. This lukewarm endorsement of Sir Keir Starmer's Labour leadership may be damning with faint praise but I guess Starmer will just have to suck it up. Cold comfort Lynch's further announcement that, as an unaffiliated union, the RMT will be supporting Jeremy Corbyn if (surely when) he stands as an Independent candidate in Islington North will be significantly less welcome, however, as will his pledge to support socialist candidates wherever they stand. Labour still prides itself on being a broad church, despite the evidence that, under Starmer, it has become a narrow sect. But it will maintain the fiction to get through the election. And ...