Party like it's 1999
As Prince observed, "parties weren't meant to last", so why are we saddled with political parties no longer fit for purpose? I was musing on this question having read that yet another Labour councillor has resigned the party whip on Oxford City Council following Sir Keir Starmer's injudicious remarks on LBC Radio about Israel's right to cut off supplies of electricity, water, fuel and food to Gaza. Cllr Barbara Coyne is the ninth Labour councillor to resign in Oxford, the twenty-second nationally so far, and her resignation means that Labour has lost its majority on the council. Cllr Coyne has, however, informed her ex-group Leader that she will not join another party and will continue to vote with Labour in council in support of its manifesto commitments. I empathise with Cllr Coyne having myself, when a Labour councillor in a London borough, resigned the whip to sit as an Independent while continuing to vote with the group on the manifesto on which I had been e...