Welcome to my world
This is my first effort on Blogger so, for those who haven't followed me previously on Medium (who are legion), allow me to introduce myself. I'm a seventy year-old pensioner living in London, my home of almost forty years. My career was spent almost exclusively in the arts.and politics, particularly that space where the two overlap, in local government-run or -funded delivery. So I've worked on festivals, in arts centres, on new arts centre project teams, as chair of a local arts council and (briefly) in Ken Livingstone's culture team at City Hall in preparation for the 2012 Olympics. That last job was snatched from me by Boris Johnson's 2008 Mayoral victory - or was it Ken's complacency? In any event I have developed a jaded view of politics and politicians, despite having briefly been a Labour councillor myself (and that didn't end well either). Since retiring I've looked on in increasing dismay and disbelief as a series of Tory goverments over the...